As the Title suggests, this is where you can catch a glimpse of what my take on the world is. Oh and I just ended a sentence with a preposition. It's hard not to. Oh look! I did it again.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lifetime Membership

Here is the tale of a dog. You see after helping out with retrieving golf balls, the little canine recieved a reward. A lifetime mebership. I would advise the dog owner that he be careful with his dog choking. I would. Look at how cute the dog is.

Spyware Sued!

So a man has gotten sued for this. I am not a big fan of spy-ware and I think the punishment is a bit excessive.

Draft Coming Up

You know whoever goes numero uno, the NFL Draft is fun to watch. So Bush will go number one and the QB picks will be interesting to watch. With the offseason moves made by some teams, it will be hard to see who will who.