As the Title suggests, this is where you can catch a glimpse of what my take on the world is. Oh and I just ended a sentence with a preposition. It's hard not to. Oh look! I did it again.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Lexington PD: Sowwy 'bout dat. Wanna be in my top 8?!
Well here is the MySpace story of the day. Many of these just come up.

Hip-Hop: Music for the Druggies

Well a study has shown that people who listen to Hip-Hop are more prone to use drugs and aggression. I'm not gonna blame the parents. The fact is that it does. A lot of things do and Hip-Hop in my opinion is one of the bigger promoters. But hey, I ain't going to hate on Hip-Hop a lot of these artists need to change and a listeners need to be schooled. So in a way, I am asking rappers to not glorify such behavior. Rappers are not the only ones but they do it more often than other artists of other genres.